FHE Integration

Our integration of CKKS with Zama-ai will enable secure computations on encrypted data without decryption.

Encryption and Computation Processes

The following are the processes for encryption, computation, and decryption:

Data Encryption:

We will extend Zama-ai's encryption framework to include CKKS, allowing us to encrypt data vectors. This process transforms plaintext data into ciphertexts, ensuring confidentiality while permitting arithmetic operations on the encrypted data. For transaction details such as amounts, sender, and receiver information, TFHE will be sufficient since that data will not require approx- imate arithmetic on encrypted data while it is stored.

Homomorphic Computation:

Building on Zama-ai's infrastructure, we will enable nodes to store and process encrypted data vectors on the blockchain using CKKS. Nodes perform homomorphic operations such as addition and multiplication directly on the ciphertexts, enabling complex computations while preserving data privacy.


Once computations are completed, the results can be decrypted by authorized parties. The decryption process converts the homomorphically computed ciphertexts back into plaintext, ensuring that the results match those that would have been obtained if the operations had been performed on the original plaintext data.

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